Project Spark Joy
To declutter the Amazon Pay landing page, BTF widgets were redesigned for a cohesive and unified brand experience, guided by the vision to "spark joy."
Role: Project owner
Time: 3 weeks
Stakeholders: Product, marketing, leadership
Metrics : Improved CTR from 12% to 43% (varies from use-case to use-case) affecting 8.5 mn users
Pre- existing BTF widgets covering a range of offerings and services
The before
Lack of design consistency in below-the-fold widgets
Diverse graphic styles creating a disjointed experience
Negligible discovery of products in horizontal scroll
Data showed significant drop-offs, as the widgets aren't optimized for quick scanning.
Thirteen different graphic and widget styles, four different button styles, horizontal scroll and overwhelming information were few of the many inconsistencies in existing designs
Project Goals & Approach
Improving overall metrics, with the least discovered use cases having a 5% CTR.
Increase visits per visitor
Higher discovery of UCs like bills, credit card & scratch cards
Increase time spent on APD
Scope of design
Visual Design Visual weight & typographic hierarchy
Content re-structuring & Information heirarchy
New content with data based design
Phase 1 - Interactions
Horizontal and vertical scroll, visibility of use cases
Phase 2- Scalable Widget Design
Extrapolate information and design scalable visually enhanced, actionable templates
Phase 3- Design Guidelines for stakeholders and marketing team
Industry trend palette- 3D elements, clear actionable cards and offer callouts
Phase 1
User Insights
Icon size was not accessible
Horizontal scroll is a barrier to discovery from user data
Section design not scalable
UI development issues
Update 1- Make design accessible
Update 2- Discoverability of use cases (horizontal scroll)
Exploration 1
Exploration 2
Phase 2
Scalable widget design
Based on business goals and engagement data, the use cases under bills, marketing, offers and rewards were shortlisted
Categories on Amazon Pay landing page
Bigger cards > User focus
Less information > Scannable

Clean visuals > Decluttering
Clear CTAs > Actionable
To achieve design consistency, I created templates and focused on designing for dashboard rather than specific use cases.
Some explorations I've added below-
Single card, multi card, progress card and other variations explored
After above explorations, I noticed that the predominance of vertical cards created a monotonous experience.
To break this pattern, I introduced some horizontal cards.
Horizontal cards explorations